a small blog for students of English as a second language

Archive for the ‘cajón de sastre – hodgepodge’ Category

We’re moving! Yeah, this time it’s for real

Hi, everyone!

We’re finally moving to a renewed and more reliable site. If you already liked this humble blog, and if you still want to receive an email every time I  publish a new post, please subscribe again at the new blog.

In the new english4all there’s a specific section for my students at the EOI, which is password protected, where you can find tests and exercises which will be of great help both to me and you to assess your progress. There’s another password protected section with materials, resources, handouts…, you name it, which we go through in class.

I’m all ears to your suggestions and ideas for this new space.

Thanks a lot for your visits and support all this time and I hope you all like the new site, our new site.


new section: DOWNLOADS

Hi, everyone!

I’ve just created a new section called DOWNLOADS, where you can find some of the materials and handouts you get in class, as well as keys to exercises and some other stuff.

This page is password protected, so if you want to know the password, kindly ask for it in class or by email.


new navigation bars

Hi, everyone!

I’ve added a new navigation bar at the top right side of the blog.

Just move your cursor over each category and a submenu will scroll down. Then, if you’re interested in vocabulary practice for intermediate or B1, click on the link.



It sometimes takes a while to load — sorry, I’m still working out how to make it faster — so be patient and you’ll get to your destination in less than no time.

ororo.tv or watch TV shows in English for free

Hi, everyone!

I told you about this website in class, but I still needed to write about it here on the blog. This post deals with ororo.tv, a website which we can use, as the people who run it actually say, ‘to learn English by watching tv-shows and movies’.




You can find here almost everything — the best tv shows are just one click away, so that’s just great. The shows can be displayed by popularity, by genre, by name, or by year of production, for example. If you want to get the latest episodes, you should display the results by date (newest).

Or more simply, just type the title — or part of it — in the search box.

So just check it out and, most importantly, enjoy while you learn.

B2 Listening comprehension – Survival in the jungle

Here you have again Yossi and Kevin’s adventure in the Amazonian rainforest.

english 4 all

Hi, everyone!

This is the listening comprehension activity that we’ve been doing about the 4 friends who took part in an incredible adventure in the Amazon rainforest.

On the following links you can find some information about the people involved and a video of Yossi, one of the survivors.

Article: I was lost in the Amazon jungle


And in this video we can see Yossi, who has become a motivational speaker, giving talks all over the world about his adventure.


track 4.3

track 4.4

track 4.5

track 4.6

track 4.7

track 4.8

View original post

wordstock – a blog for books

Hi, everyone!

This is my new blogroll on books, reading, literature… It’s student oriented, so I hope you find it useful — that’s my intention.

On the blog you can see your own work. If you’d like to contribute with book reviews, recommendations, or anything of interest you might have in mind, please let me know!


B2 writing – an informal letter

Hi, everyone,
Here you have again the informal writing worksheet.

english 4 all

This the informal letter handout we’ve been working with in class. If you want the model composition for exercise F (page 6), request it by sending me an email.

View original post


Hi, everyone!

While looking for Thanksgiving resources I came across this funny video. Enjoy!

B2 listening comprehension – the psychic

Hi, everyone!
This is the listening comprehension post on psychics we have been doing in class this week.

english 4 all

Hi, everyone!
This is the listening comprehension part in unit 1B. As usual, you can find the KEY down below.


track 1.6

track 1.7

track 1.8

track 1.9


exercise b.

part 1

  1. Positive – Sally’s office was more normal than she expected and Sally looked kind and sincere
  2. Are you married? and Do you have any children?
  3. Because she mentions two things which don’t mean anything to Jane, i.e. the name Caroline and Australia.

part 2

  1. T (She grew up there)
  2. F (he is someone she already knows)
  3. T (She’s 1m 90.)
  4. F (It is his brain that will attract her) 
  5. F (She can’t think of anyone who fits the description)

part 3

1. a  2. b  3. b

exercise e.    She thinks Sally is good at judging people’s character but doesn’t have any special abilities. However, since she saw Sally, she…

View original post 19 more words

The search box

Hi, everyone!

As you can see in the picture below, there’s a search box which you can use to get to anything and everything posted on this blog. For example, try searching for psychic, and you’ll be directed to the post. Or if you type B1, you’ll obtain a list of posts on that subject.



WordPress.com is the best place for your personal blog or business site.

Psychology for Educators [And More]

Boost learning by understanding human nature

Tim's Free English Lesson Plans

Use them, share them, comment on them, and share my link in return.


thinking about language teaching


Explicaciones mitológicas para cotidianas expresiones


a small blog for students of English as a second language

Empleados Públicos de la Junta de Andalucía. MÁLAGA.

NO a los Decretos Ley 5/2010, 6/2010, y NO a la Ley 1/2011.


Bienvenidos a este blog de recursos y materiales de filosofía creado por Ángel Santiago para sus alumn@s del IES Ciudad de Arjona y para cualquiera que esté dipuesto a pensar.